Nurofen Zavance Tablets 48s


Effective pain relief that is absorbed faster than standard Nurofen*.

Product Features

  • Absorbed up to twice as fast as standard Nurofen
  • Contains sodium ibuprofen
  • Reduces inflamation
  • Reduces fever

Product Description

Nurofen Zavance Tablets are absorbed faster than standard Nurofen tablets*.

They contain sodium ibuprofen, an anti-inflammatory agent that’s effective for different kinds of aches and pains. The sodium formulation is absorbed into your bloodstream up to twice as fast as standard ibuprofen.

Nurofen Zavance Tablets relieve pain such as headache, tension headache, migraine headache, back pain, dental pain, period pain, muscular pain, cold and flu symptoms, arthritic pain, sinus pain. Reduces fever.


Sodium ibuprofen dihydrate 256mg (equiv. ibuprofen 200mg) | Contains no gluten,
wheat, or lactose | Contains sucrose | Contains no preservatives

Usage Information

Take with water.

•Adults and children from 12 years: 2 tablets, then 1 or 2 tablets every 4‒6 hours as necessary (maximum 6 tablets in 24 hours).

•Children 7‒12 years: 1 tablet every 6‒8 hours as necessary (maximum 4 tablets in 24 hours).

•Do not give Nurofen Zavance Tablets to children under 7 years of age. Nurofen for children products are available.

•May be taken by breast feeding mothers

Seek medical advice before use if:

•You have asthma or are taking other medicines containing ibuprofen, aspirin or other anti-inflammatory medicines.

•You are taking medication regularly or are 65 years or over.

•Children suffering from dehydration through diarrhoea and/or vomiting.

Maximum Dose in 24hrs:

Adults and children over 12 years: maximum 6 tablets (1200 mg ibuprofen). The maximum daily intake contains 146mg of sodium (take into account if on a low sodium diet).

Children 7 to 12 years: maximum 4 tablets (800mg ibuprofen). The maximum daily intake contains 97mg of sodium (take into account if on a low sodium diet).

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